28 by Ruth B. with Dean Lewis or Eight by IU ft Suga FTW?

 I started this blog when I was 13? Now I’m 28, so it’s been 15 years. Not that anyone is reading this. 

Tbh, I might have contributed the most views, given how I would visit the blog from time to time to remember things. It’s funny how unfamiliar they can be eventho they were all written by me. 

Which is why, I decided not to delete most entries.Take it as my own journal, and I like to see how much I have changed over the years. 

Looking back, when I was in high school, I wrote a lot of things. It could be nonsense, random, and regular updates. I had the most fun reading those entries. 

In young adult eras, mostly about my concerns and adulting challenge. I’m okay with those.

In mid twenties, surprisingly or not surprisingly, a lot about dating and work struggles. Kinda sad to see my vibe changed from pumped up, dramatic to just flat. Am I more concious now about people who could access my blog and read things? Or am I just plain boring now? 

Oh well, I am who I am. Now onto the real update.

We knew sis has struggled earning her bread money in the past, but fear not, sis has crawled out of the death trap. I genuinely love my current job. Maybe it’s not the job that I love so much, but the people. Who remembers that I used to be awkward around guys? Apparently she is still here. 

Quick recap, about a year and 4 months ago, I went to interview for this role. And my interviewers were both guys. I remembered telling my flatmate that was out of my comfort zone and I was super nervous in the interview. Then we had second interview, surprise surprise??? Another guy came along. And I think they could see I was worried my team would only be guys. So they assured me they also have girls on the team 🤣 

Fast forward to the present time, we are besties. I love my team so much. And I am more comfortable now working with guys. For the better or for the worse, my team is super healthy. During lunch, it does not matter whether it is summer or winter, they would go for a run/swimming/indoor football. And everyone is actively going to the gym, and brings their own lunch to work.

Which is why, you’ll meet new me, hopefully! Mostly thanks to my gen Z work bestie, Denise 🫶🏼 I love her so much.

From not eating veges at all, I now eat all veges. And I freaking like cucumber, carrots and tomatoes. From not cooking, to preparing most meals at home + snacks. Can’t guarantee it would be tasty, but hey I can’t complain to myself! 

I also subscribed to the gym, trying to go everyday at 4/5am before work. Then if weather is good outside, lunch walksies, and everyday my goal is to achive 10k steps. Huge diff I tell ya. I used to order from ubereats eventho the shop is just like 5 mins walk from my house. But now, I could walk for an hour to get some pastries and not complaining it is far 😌

I love it honestly, and hopefully I could stay active. More concious now since I’m approaching the thirties, but millennials don’t age, they say. 

Peace out 🫶🏼

Finalising my childhood dream of having projector in my room 🫶🏼